Working closely with The Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich, I tackled redesigning their website to help increase visitor numbers, with a particular focus on navigation as this was highlighted as a key pain point in my research.
Existing site expert review
User testing current site & interviews
Card sorting task: considering navigation
Competitor analysis: exploring common themes
Design: site map, sketches and wireframes
User testing & iteration
Expert Review of the Current Site
I began my research by creating an expert review, analysing their current site, considering the usability heuristics, and pinpointing the main problem areas. Exploring each page of the Cathedral website helped me to thoroughly familiarise myself with the current flow and issues at hand.
Homepage: Where is the visiting information? Why would I visit? What is there to offer?
Visit Us: Only contains car parking information and difficult to find
Consistency and Standards: inconsistent hierarchy, layout and interactions
Overall frustrating and overly complicated user experience
User Testing & Interviews
I wrote a set of tasks for each user to run through on the existing Cathedral site, through this process it was shown that navigation was a key pain point for users. I tracked users navigation pathways as well as asking questions throughout to understand their perspective as well as their experience.
I split my insights into five key areas:
Mapping my user testing insights
How are users feeling?
Establishing Main Goals for Redesign
Create a welcoming environment: utilise inclusive and non-religious language, particularly in 'Visit Us'
Improve navigation & hierarchy: make it easy and intuitive to use & find visiting information
Card Sorting
Through the testing process I discovered the difficulty users were having with completing tasks due to confusions with navigation, often becoming incredibly frustrated or giving up altogether. From this I decided to look further into the navigation by running an open card sorting task.
Key Insights:
Users always grouped Tower Tours, Shop, Café, Library and Cathedral Garden but were unsure what to label this section
Users frequently asked questions about headings that utilised religious language
Frequently used headings & frequently grouped topics
Competitor Analysis
I completed an extensive review of other Cathedral and Church websites, particularly focusing on how they design their navigation and visiting pages.
Section of competitor analysis
I noted some of the successful elements that commonly appeared in my competitor research to help inform my design
Use of large imagery
Utilising the shapes and patterns of the Cathedral, clean but historic has the most impact
Key info for visiting on Homepage, include navigation to key pages
Simple interactions, don't overcomplicate, consider audience
Hierarchy and legibility of text, clear headings, text split into consumable sections
Essentials in the nav bar and more in menu, hover feedback for nav
Donation button visible on all pages
Scannable timetables for services
Site Map
Using what I had learned through user testing and card sorting, I created initial navigation groupings and a site map, which then developed throughout the testing and iterating process.
Initial Sketches
Sketching is an important part of my design process, noting any key visual ideas and features before beginning to work on wireframes
Interactive Prototype
Created in Figma
User Testing
I conducted moderated user testing on my interactive prototype, running the same tasks I had set for the current site so that I could compare the navigation pathways, time spent on the site, and users overall experience completing these tasks
Iterating Based on Insights
An unexpected pain point that arose during testing was that users were missing the 'Donate' button in the Navigation bar, and that in highlighting it I had actually created an element users were overlooking as decorative. Users would often look instead to the 'Community' heading to find Donate. I worked to correct this by editing the display of the Donate button in the nav bar, and also adding it to the community tab, and then I completed further tests to evaluate whether these changes were successful.
How are users feeling?
Comparing Navigation Pathways: Existing Site vs Redesign
I compared the navigation pathways for users completing tasks on the existing site vs the redesign. As shown below, the time spent on the site, along with the amount of incorrect pathways followed, were both cut down by over half in the redesign.
Comparing navigation pathways for three of the tasks
Missing important information such as opening times
‘Welcome to all’ hidden in paragraph
Where to go if you want to visit? Why visit?
‘Visiting Us’ hidden at bottom of page, not in nav bar, users struggled to find it
'Visiting Us' only has parking info
Highlighting opening times
‘Welcome to All’, focal point
Visit Us button at top of page
Key navigation on Homepage
Promoting Tower Tours, USP
'Help Support our Cathedral'
Visiting information scattered
Café opening times difficult to find, under ‘Narthex’ - unclear what this is
Most visiting information under ‘Learning’ confused users
Emphasising welcome to everyone
Plan your visit - key info
Main visiting areas highlighted
Info broken down into consumable sections
Hierarchy issues
Key info outdated and unclear
How to book?
A one of a kind experience - USP
Displaying positive reviews
Highlighting price and dates
Easy booking
Information not scannable
Users confused by timetable
News on the side, overwhelming, just need the latest newsletter
Link to latest newsletter at top
Broken down
Scannable information
Images not relevant
Not personal - users said they would find it too intimidating to contact
New photography of staff adds a personal element
Use of peaked archways, the shapes of the Cathedral
Donation link hidden in large section of text
Images hidden, flip and appear on hover
Hierarchy, use of language
Clear button for donation
Showing goals and images
Unexpected results
Search looks for key words
Clear display
Headings: Parish, Learning and Narthex cause confusion
Most important visiting info under Learning
No café page, under Narthex
Hover doesn’t line up with heading
Headings and sections initially based on Card Sort
Tested and iterated to ensure easy navigation
Larger text, broken into sections, hover feedback
Sofia Durnford