
Work | Play

Sofia Durnford

Sofia Durnford

Sofia Durnford

UX designer with a love for problem-solving

UX designer with a love for problem-solving

UX designer with a love for problem-solving

Featured Projects

Featured Projects

Live | Research | Redesign

Cathedral Website Redesign

Live | Research | Redesign

Cathedral Website Redesign

Website redesign for The Cathedral of St John the Baptist, with a focus on navigation

Website redesign for The Cathedral of St John the Baptist, with a focus on navigation

Self-Directed | Research | UI

Self-Directed | Research | UI

Self-Directed | Research | UI

Creating a symbiotic relationship between local cafés and long-stay laptop users

Creating a symbiotic relationship between local cafés and long-stay laptop users

Collaborative | Research | UI

Airbnb Connections

Collaborative | Research | UI

Airbnb Connections

Collaborative | Research | UI

Airbnb Connections

Connecting people through shared interests and creating real experiences, all within a network built on trust

Connecting people through shared interests and creating real experiences, all within a network built on trust

Other Projects

Sofia Durnford: sofiadurnford.ux@gmail.com
